Don’t Forget this Important Hormone in PTSD…

Cortisol gets the spotlight in PTSD and mental health but do you know about this other important hormone?

You may have heard of the effects of stress and cortisol, but have you heard about one of the most important hormones?

This mystery hormone is Oxytocin.

When oxytocin is low, you may experience an inability to feel social connection, loneliness, depression, difficulty orgasm and fatigue.

A common experience of oxytocin imbalance is when someone says, I know I love my partner, but I just don’t feel it.”

When optimal, this powerful hormone helps you handle stress, increase trust, reduce social anxiety, improves immune function, reduces DEPRESSION and enhances muscle mass.

In my practice, I have used compounded oxytocin to help with PTSD and depression.

So many beneficial effects from such a simple hormone!

How can we help to boost this hormone that can improve your mental health?

Here are a few ways to boost oxytocin levels:

  1. Manage cortisol levels. When under fight or flight, your oxytocin levels will drop. If you’re trying to survive, it is biologically inappropriate to want to connect/engage.

  2. Incorporate laughter and touch. These are known to boost oxytocin levels, and enhances bonding especially when you may be feeling disconnected with others.

  3. Bonding with a pet. Cuddling or even making eye contact with a trusted animal can help to stimulate oxytocin production.

  4. Maintain adequate vitamin D levels. Adequate vitamin D levels can help with oxytocin signaling.

  5. Consume foods high in Vitamin C and Magnesium. Vitamin C and Magnesium can help with oxytocin signaling. Consider foods that are rich in these nutrients - citrus fruits, leafy greens and even chocolate!

Taking care of your mental health is a journey, and incorporating oxytocin into your routine can be a powerful tool in that journey.

By understanding the importance of oxytocin in mental health and the negative impact of chronic stress on its production, you can begin to take steps to boost its levels.

Through proper nutrition and making lifestyle changes like engaging in self-care, fostering social connections, and embracing physical touch, you can raise your oxytocin levels and experience the positive impact on your mental well-being.


Why Traumatic Memories Make You Feel “Stuck”: How to Work with Them


The 5 Unknown Benefits of Fight or Flight: How to Use it for Thriving